Protecting Our Planet

Bearsted CAN

Ethos and Goals

We are an inclusive, grassroots, nonaligned group looking at both personal and local ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate and adapt to the climate & ecological emergency. We acknowledge the universal effects of climate change, and this influences our local actions/daily living.

Looking to actively engage others in the community to become more involved and aware of issues around the climate & ecological emergency.

Motivated by our judgement on the best available science and research that climate change & biodiversity loss is real and that everyone has to act now to reduce the effects.

  • Inclusive: We want to work with all individuals and groups that share the common goal of reducing carbon emissions and the environmental impact of daily living and consumption.
  • Grassroots: We are based within the community and wish to work with and influence our local community and community/regional leaders.
  • Nonaligned: We do not align ourselves to any other specific group, remain neutral in politics & religion/world view and wish to cooperate with all who share these goals, as part of their remit.

Bearsted CAN News

Join the Movement for a Greener Tomorrow

Empowering Communities for Sustainable Change

Discover how you can contribute to environmental sustainability through our upcoming events and initiatives.

Bearsted CAN is about bringing together like-minded people from Bearsted and the surrounding area who want to work together to face the Climate and Ecological Emergency.  This is a community group for everyone.  The climate and ecological emergency is a huge challenge in every aspect of our society and it’s happening right now.  It can feel overwhelming but we can start where we are – working together where we live – think global and act local.

Bearsted CAN make a difference – click on the  button to find out what’s going on!

Bearsted CAN

Repair Cafe

Bearsted CAN

People Planet Pint

Bearsted CAN

Plastic Free Bearsted

Bearsted CAN

Station Roadside Nature Reserve

Bearsted CAN

Summer Fayre

Bearsted CAN

Silver Wilder Kent Award

Bearsted CAN Initiatives

Community Repair Cafe


Join us for a day repairing items and meeting local residents 

Hard to Recycle Plastics

Monthly Events 

Meet local people and learn more about living a more sustainable lifestyle.

Bearsted Station Nature Reserve

Monthly Meet Ups

Bearsted CAN have adopted the local station. Help us look after the station and roadside nature reserve.

Eco-Friendly Events and Speakers

Monthly Events 

Explore our calendar to see all of our upcoming events.

Make a Difference Today

Support our mission to create a sustainable future. Get involved, donate, or learn more about our initiatives.

Bearsted CAN: We are an inclusive, grassroots, nonaligned group looking at both personal and local ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate and adapt to the climate & ecological emergency. We acknowledge the universal effects of climate change, and this influences our local actions/daily living.

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